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Candidate for Public Relation Manager, District 107 - Norberto Amaral, DTM
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Norberto Amaral
Home Club:
Clube Toastmasters de Aveiro
Personal statement:
Dear Toastmaster!
I am standing as a candidate to become the next Public Relations Manager!

I’m the current Finance Manager, having created the budget and now overseeing it closely. This is amid difficult times due to the pandemic, when we have less money available to spend to help us grow in Portugal, Spain and Morocco.
My journey as member of the core team started as a Parliamentarian in 2019-2020, followed by Administration Manager in 2020-2021. In common? I’ve learned a great deal about Toastmasters, how it works, and many, many people in our District! Also, it’s been great fun!

My journey as a Toastmaster started in October 2011, in my home club of CLUTA, in Aveiro. After a few months I became Vice President Education, then President. Later I became Area Director and Division Director, always learning more, getting to know so many people and helping organize our conferences at every level.

I’ve served you already a great deal and I would love to carry on. There is so much we can do to improve our District – it’s an endless task and that’s part of why it’s so amazing to be part of the Core Team and yet, there’s so much that can be done right now. 

As the Public Relations Manager I will aim to make Toastmasters a more recognized name in our countries. I will help the District to get closer to members so you know what’s going on and how you can benefit the most. And, probably the most important, getting members to be even closer to each other!

Here are just some ideas to do this:
-    There are several Toastmasters accounts on social media, including Facebook pages, groups and websites for Portugal, Spain and Morocco. They don’t have a common person of group responsible for them and so I intend to bring them under the umbrella of the District!
-    We can create and share common narratives and tools to help Area and Division Directors, and any member in fact, to share Toastmasters in their communities!
-    We will strengthen the newsletter with great, actionable, content for all members!
-    Create more direct channels of communication between District and Club Officers, namely the District Council, which is made of Club Presidents and Vice Presidents of Education, Area Directors, Division Directors, and the Core Team.

I will work for you, by working closely with the District Officers, members in general, and yourself. I promise to serve you, with love! As part of the same tribe, sharing the values of our Toastmasters family! Together we will shape an awesome year for us all Toastmasters!

On May 14 in the morning of the Spring Conference, there will take place the District Council meeting. There we will choose the officers for 2022-2023 and I hope to deserve your trust.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Please contact me by email to namaral (at) gmail dot com.
Qualifications for Service:
I’ve been a Toastmaster for almost 11 years, having been VPE, Club President, Area and Division Director, Parliamentarian, and Administration Manager. I am currently Finance Manager of this District and Vice President of Public Relations in my home club.
I have extensive experience in public speaking coaching and training at TEDxPorto and my own company WeCultiv Consulting.
​Job Title/Employer:
Managing Partner at WeCultiv Consulting.
Postgraduate Director at Universidade Lusófona in Porto.
Postgraduation lecturer at University of Fernando Pessoa in Porto.
Invited speaker at Nova School of Business and Economics, Lisbon.
Specialist at Porto Business School.
Corporate trainer at ANJE, National Association of Young Entrepreneurs.
Startup coach at University of Aveiro.
Secondary school teacher of Creativity at Colégio Efanor.
YouTube channel: “À Conversa sobre Comunicação”.
Relevant Work Experience:
Consultant on public speaking, organisation of events, creativity, and innovation management.
Author of the book 'Impact – How to Communicate in Public’, published by Penguin Random House in June 2019.
Porto Business School: General Program of Management (2012 - 2012)
COTEC: Executive Program for Innovation Management (2008)
Aveiro University: Degree in Engineering, Physics · (1990 - 1995)
Hobbies and Interests:
Model and travel photographer: 
Avid reader of the following topics: science, history, technology, business, society/psychology, international politics, and modern fiction.
Volunteer Experience:
Licensee, organizer, curator, and host of TEDxPorto.
Member of the Board of Directors at Common House of Humanity. 
Translator of TED talks.
Mentor at Moonshot Pirates.
Former volunteer at:
-    Ignite Portugal
-    3D Mask
-    Group of Support of People with Albinism in Angola
-    Junior Achievement

Honours/Recognition inside Toastmasters:
2012-2013:     Vice President Education President’s Distinguished Club
2013-2014:     Club President President’s Distinguished Club
2015-2016:     Area Director President’s Distinguished Area
2016-2017:     Division Director President’s Distinguished Division
2017:              Distinguished Toastmaster
2019-2020:    Parliamentarian
2020-2021:    Administration Manager
2021-2022:     Finance Manager
2021-2022:     Vice President of Public Relations
Other information:
I am passionate about Toastmasters, highly dedicated and involved. I am highly knowledgeable, and always strive to be competent, doing well the right things.
I was the Conference chair of 2021 Online Spring Conference for our District.
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